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Professional organizations:


- The International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators (IAATE) 


- International Avian Trainers Certification Board (IATCB) 


- Pet Professional Guild (PPG)


- American Federation of Aviculture (AFA)


Enrichment and bird supplies:


- The Leather Elves 


- Everything Birds, Oldsmar FL 


- Just 4 Birds, Valrico FL


Positive Reinforcement Training Resources:


- The Animal Behavior Center - Lara Joseph 


- Good Bird Inc. - Barbara Heidenreich


- Behavior Works - Dr. Susan Friedman


- Natural Encounters Inc. - Steve Martin 


- Understanding Parrots - Stephanie Edlund


- Karen Pryor Clicker Training - Karen Pryor


Parrot Rescue:


- Florida Parrot Rescue 


- Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary Inc. 


Wildlife Rescue:


- Owl's Nest Sanctuary, Odessa FL


- Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, Indian Shores FL


- Tampa Bay Raptor Rescue, Tampa FL


- Save Our Seabirds, Sarasota FL





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